Agulha sonoplex 22gx50mm facet s
Unidades por embalagem: 10
Item description | Item no. LUER | Purchase Unit |
25G x 50mm (2") with Facet S Tip |
001187-81 | 10 |
24G x 25mm (1") with Facet Tip |
001185-75 | 10 |
24G x 40mm (1 5/8") with Facet S Tip |
001187-78 | 10 |
24G x 40mm (1 5/8") with Facet Tip |
001185-78 | 10 |
24G x 40mm (1 5/8") with Sprotte Tip |
001185-30G | 10 |
24G x 50mm (2") with Facet S Tip |
001187-85 | 10 |
24G x 50mm (2") with Facet Tip |
001185-85 | 10 |
22G x 40mm (1 5/8") with Facet Tip |
001185-70 | 10 |
22G x 40mm (1 5/8”) with Facet S Tip |
001187-70 | 10 |
22G x 50mm (2") with Facet Tip |
001185-74 | 10 |
22G x 50mm (2") with Sprotte Tip |
001185-31G | 10 |
22G x 50mm (2”) with Facet S Tip |
001187-74 | 10 |
22G x 70mm (2 3/4") with Sprotte Tip |
001185-31H | 10 |
22G x 70mm (3") with Facet S Tip |
001187-93 | 10 |
22G x 80mm ( 3 1/5”) with Facet S Tip |
001187-71 | 10 |
22G x 80mm (3 1/5") with Facet Tip |
001185-71 | 10 |
22G x 90mm (3 1/2") with Sprotte Tip |
001185-31J | 10 |
21G x 80mm (3 1/5") with Facet S Tip |
001187-88 | 10 |
21G x 80mm (3 1/5") with Facet Tip |
001185-88 | 10 |
21G x 100 mm (4") with Facet S Tip |
001187-77 | 10 |
21G x 100mm (4") with Facet Tip |
001185-77 | 10 |
20G x 120mm (4 3/4") with Facet Tip |
001185-72 | 10 |
20G x 120mm (4 3/4”) with Facet S Tip |
001187-72 | 10 |
20G x 150mm (6") with Facet Tip |
001185-76 | 10 |
20G x 150mm (6”) with Facet S Tip |
001187-76 | 10 |
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SonoPlex BroschureRegional Anaesthesia CatalogueNerve Block SubcatalogueGuRu Poster Anaesthesia
1 Fuzier R. et al. The ecohogenicity of nerve blockade needles, Anesth. 2015; 70: 462–466
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4 Sviggum, H. P.; Ahn, K.; Dilger, J. A.; Smith, H. M. Needle Echogenicity in Sonographically Guided Regional Anesthesia. In Journal of ultrasound in medicine: official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2013: 143–148
5 Hebard S., Hocking G., Murray, K. Two-dimensional mapping to assess direction and magnitude of needle tip error in ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia, Anaesth. and intensive care 2011; 39: 1076–1081